Easy Quiche

av Mammapia


Easy Quiche

If you are in a hurry or just want a quick cheesy and eggy meal, this recipe is fun to make!


  • 4 x small tortillas
  • 3 x champignon
  • 1 handful fresh baby spinach
  • 3 x eggs
  • ½ tsp vegetable seasoning with seaweed from lofoten
  • 2 handful grated cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  2. Drizzle a little olive oil to the tortillas and place them with overlapping edges into a round shape. Make sure that the edges create a little height so that the batter can fit without it flowing out. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes.
  3. Chop mushrooms into pieces and fry them to a hot frying pan with butter, salt and pepper.
  4. Add baby spinach and cook for 30 seconds until it collapses. Remove the pan from the plate.
  5. To a bowl, mix eggs, vegetable seasoning, grated cheese, mushrooms and spinach. You can also add more ingredients if you have something you want to use from the fridge. Paprika, tomato, onion, broccoli, asparagus or similar. If you have special cheeses or Parmesan, you can also choose to add this.
  6. Pour the mixture over the tortillas and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.
  7. Serve with a nice salad. I can strongly recommend strawberry and tomato salad for which there is a recipe here in Sulten!

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