Gluten-free Bubble Waffle

av Mammapia


Gluten-free Bubble Waffle


  • 1 x ripe banana
  • 1 dl almond flour
  • 1 dl gluten-free all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • ½ tsp cardamom
  • 1 x eggs
  • 1 dl sour cream
  • 2 dl oat milk
  • 3 x strawberries
  • 1 scoops ice cream


  1. Note: make sure the oat milk is gluten-free.
  2. Mash half of the banana with a fork to a bowl.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients to a bowl.
  4. Wish the egg to the mashed banana, and stir together with oat milk, sour cream and the dry ingredients.
  5. Bake the waffles in a "Bubble waffle"-iron. If you do not have this, you can use any other waffle iron.
  6. Top it off with slices strawberries, banana and ice cream.