A Delicious Homemade Bread

av Mammapia


A Delicious Homemade Bread

A hearty wonderful smell of homemade bread for breakfast? Yes, please!


  • 5 dl rolled oats
  • 9 dl wheat flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 5 dl lukewarm water
  • 1 pack dry yeast
  • 1 dl kefir


  1. If you have a kitchen machine at home, this is the perfect dish to use it.
  2. Add rolled oats, wheat flour, and salt to the bowl.
  3. If you have pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, you can add some of them to the dough.
  4. Heat the water to 37 degrees Celsius and add dry yeast. Stir around and let it sit for a while so the yeast dissolves.
  5. Knead the dry ingredients with the wet ones for about 10 minutes. Cover with a clean kitchen towel, place the dough in a warm spot, and let it rise for about 30 minutes.
  6. 800g of dough makes one loaf. Put the dough in a bread pan with parchment paper or on a baking sheet. Let it rise until it's doubled in size and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes, depending on your oven. If you hear a "hollow" sound when you tap the top of the bread, it's done.
  7. To make packed lunches, you can wait until the bread has cooled, preferably until the next day. Then, slice it and freeze the bread. You can then take out the number of slices you need and add toppings. The slices will thaw in the lunchbox and will be ready for lunch.