Red Sauce made with Leftover Veggies

av Mammapia


Red Sauce made with Leftover Veggies

Seeing the potential in leftover vegetables is not so easy. Half a pepper, a quarter of an onion, tired tomatoes, almost dried herbs and soft carrots. Not much appetizing, right? But there is one thing that can come from these veggies – And that's red sauce for pizza, pasta, a base for a casserole or for a cheese sandwich!


  • 4 x tomato
  • 1 x red pepper
  • 1 x yellow onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 handful fresh basil
  • 1 tsp sriracha


  1. Take the opportunity to clean out the fridge to get an overview of what you have that needs to be used up. You can choose to follow the recipe with the ingredients added here, or you can invent your own. A small rule of thumb is that you should have 8/10 tomato, pepper, carrot and 2/10 onion, plus flavoring such as spices and Sriracha.
  2. PS: If you have more peppers in the fridge than tomatoes, just adjust so that you use it all up. It doesn't have to be yellow onion, it can be any onion and you can use yellow or green pepper as well. I usually just grab anything I have inn the fridge. It doesn't have to be Sriracha, it can be chili too. ;)
  3. Chop the vegetables in smaller pieces and add everything to a food processor. Blend everything.
  4. Heat some olive oil in a pan. Add everything to the pan and let it simmer for 20 minutes without lid. Stir often so it doesn't burn. Season with your favorite spices and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Cool off and place to a jar with a lid. Set aside in the refrigerator. Use for pizza, pasta, cheese toast etc.