Tunamelt Sandwich

av Mammapia


Tunamelt Sandwich


  • 1 x celery sticks
  • ¼ x red pepper
  • ½ x red onion
  • 300 g tuna
  • 2 tbsp crème fraîche
  • ¼ x lemon
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 1 pinch sea salt flakes
  • 2 x slice of bread
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 50 g cheddar cheese


  1. Mince celery stick, red pepper and red onion. Add this to a bowl together with tuna. I have used canned tuna with water in this recipe.
  2. Make the dressing by mixing creme fraiche, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper in a bowl. Pour this into the bowl and stir well. If you are making the weekly menu this dish is part of, set aside half the tuna batter. You must use this in the next dish the following day.
  3. Heat the butter and olive oil in a frying pan, and place sliced garlic and the bread slices in the pan. Flip them after they have been slightly golden and then add cheddar on both slices. Add the tuna batter to one slice and place the other on top. Lower the heat in the pan and put the lid on.
  4. Serve with tuna stir on the side.