Stuffed Peppers

av Fattig.student


Stuffed Peppers


  • 1 dl rice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ x yellow onion
  • ½ tsp sriracha
  • 200 g diced tomatoes
  • 200 g chickpeas
  • 2 tbsp fresh coriander
  • ¼ x lime
  • 1 x red pepper
  • ⅒ dl greek yogurt


  1. Boil rice according to the instructions on the package (feel free to use rice leftovers instead, if you have any).
  2. Mince the garlic and onion, and simmer in a pan with a little oil or butter until the onion is soft.
  3. Add sriracha and diced tomatoes, and cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. Finally, fold in the cooked rice, chickpeas, finely chopped coriander and lime juice.
  5. Season with salt and pepper, or some more sriracha if you'd like it to be a little spicy.
  6. Slice off the top of the pepper (without discarding it), and remove the insides. Next, stuff the pepper with the rice mixture, and put the top back on. Bake the stuffed pepper in the oven at 200 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes.
  7. Serve with a dollop of Greek yogurt.