Oat Porridge with Caramelised Apples

av Fattig.student


Oat Porridge with Caramelised Apples


  • 1 dl oats
  • 1 dl water
  • 1 dl milk
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 x apple
  • ½ tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ dl almond
  • 1 tbsp vanilla yoghurt


  1. Add oats, water, milk and salt to a saucepan and cook until the oats have expanded and soaked up the excess liquid.
  2. Dice the apple and cook in a frying pan with the honey (you may of course use regular sugar, maple syrup or your sweetener of choice instead), cinnamon and a small splash of water. Bring to a boil over medium heat until the honey carefully starts to simmer.
  3. Roughly chop the almonds (or sub other nut of choice - you may of course use seeds for a nut-free version).
  4. Serve the porridge topped with caramelised apple, almonds and a dollop of vanilla yogurt.

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