Homemade Apple Jam

av Mari Ruud


Homemade Apple Jam


  • 5 x apple
  • 1 dl water
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Peel the apples and remove the apple core. Chop them into smaller pieces.
  2. Pour the water into a casserole, add sugar and boil. It`s important that the sugar are melted. If you want the jam to have a golden color, you can use brown sugar insted of white.
  3. When the sugarwater is boiling, add the apples and cinnamon.
  4. Stir frequently, until the apples are tender.
  5. You can add more sugar and cinnamon if preferd. Due to seasonal apples and type, the sourness of the apple may vary. If you add more it`s important to boil the jam once more to make sure the sugar is melted.
  6. This jam doesn`t contain any preservatives and should be consumed within a week. You may aslo freeze it in smaller portions. I recommend you to try the jam on some fresh oatmeal waffles!