Creamy Carrot with Salmon and Pasta

av Mammapia


Creamy Carrot with Salmon and Pasta

Creamy carrot with salmon and pasta goes like hot cakes in our family and this dish is loved by young and old at home. If you have some leftover vegetables in the fridge, don't be afraid to mince them and add them to the carrot sauce.


  • 100 g fusilli
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ x red onion
  • 1 x carrot
  • 2 dl cream
  • 200 g salmon fillet
  • ½ x lemon
  • 1 tbsp sour cream


  1. Boil pasta al dente to a pot with water and salt. Save some pasta water to add to the sauce if necessary.
  2. Mince the garlic and the red onion. Fry until soft to a pan.
  3. Cut the carrot into small pieces and add them to the pan.
  4. If you have som left over white wine in the fridge, this is the right time to use it. Add the cream and season with salt and pepper. I also like to spice things up a bit with the Norwegian spice Gastromat and som drops of sriracha. If the sauce is too thick, add some pasta water.
  5. Fry salmon in a frying pan with butter. When it is cooked through, season with salt and pepper and squeeze over lemon juice.
  6. Dander a plate of pasta, carrot sauce and salmon on top. Enjoy!