Simple chicken soup

av Fattig.student


Simple chicken soup


  • 1 x yellow onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 200 g chicken breast
  • ½ x red pepper
  • 1 x carrot
  • 1 tsp curry spice
  • 3 tbsp tomato salsa
  • 4 dl water
  • 1 dl crème fraîche


  1. Cut the onion and mince the garlic. Fry in a frying pan until the onion is soft.
  2. Add the chicken fillet and cook until the chicken is almost cooked through. Meanwhile, cut the peppers and carrots into strips.
  3. Add curry, and cook for about another minute. Then add the carrots and peppers in strips, tomato salsa and water and let the soup cook for about 20 minutes.
  4. Add the creme fraiche at the end and serve with coriander.
  5. If you want to make a delicious leftover dinner tomorrow, you should put away about half of the chicken soup.