Sommersalad with Cottage Cheese

av Mammapia


Sommersalad with Cottage Cheese

A nutritious and tasty salad that is perfect as a summer salad! In this salad I have used chive flowers from the garden. If you don't have them available, you can add some finely chopped red onion for a similar taste.


  • 1 x romaine lettuce
  • 2 x nectarines
  • ½ x cucumber
  • 1 x avocado
  • 1 thumb parmesan
  • 2 dl cottage cheese
  • 1 handful chives
  • 2 x chive flower
  • ¼ x lemon


  1. Rinse and tear romaine lettuce into pieces. Place to a bowl.
  2. Dice the nectarine, cucumber and avocado into pieces.
  3. Add it to the bowl together with sliced parmesan and cottage cheese.
  4. Mince the chives and remove the flowers from the chive flower, so there will be lots of small flowers. Add it to the salad.
  5. Season with pepper and salt as desired and drizzle with lemon juice and a little olive oil. Serve immediately with some good bread and butter.